Self-care, Treatments

Massage Therapy Helps Muscle Recovery

Massage therapy can help active people maintain flexibility and can help them feel better after strenuous activity. I've seen numbers as high as 60% faster recovery with massage therapy.

Chronic pain, Self-care, Treatments, yoga

Resetting my Yoga Practice

Instead of joining a yoga studio with full hour or 90 minute classes, I managed my practice at home, using a combination of class sequences that I developed myself (modifications of the 12 asana sequence taught in Sivananda yoga) , and short sequences from youtube. I varied the length of my practices, and focused more on supporting myself than on increasing flexibility. After 3 weeks of yoga I very slowly began to fit my mental image of what a yogi looks like, with adjusted expectations, forgiveness, and plenty of room for growth.

Chronic pain, Self-care, Treatments, Uncategorized

Massage Can Help with Headaches many cases, massage therapy is a way to reduce the frequency of your headaches. For some people, it can also decrease your pain.Massage for headaches will usually involve the upper back, neck, shoulders, and sometimes the scalp and face. Trigger points or muscle tension can refer pain into the head, and the way you move, clench, and tense up during a headache might increase muscle tension in these areas.

Chronic pain, Treatments, Uncategorized

Massage and Your Medicine Chest

Some days it's nice for massage to be a break from 'regular' medical appointments. To enjoy one-on-one attention, acceptance of where you are as a person, and the relaxing benefits. But before that can happen safely, did you remember to tell your massage therapist what's in your medicine chest? Medications ranging from prescriptions, to over the counter medication, pain-killers, supplements, blood pressure medication, anti-inflammatories, anti-depressants, sleep aids and decongestants will all change which techniques I use, how I apply them, and what I tell my patient.